2022 |2021 |2020 |2019 |2018 |2017 | 2016 | 2015 – 2010 | 2009 – 2003 | anteriores a 2002
Blanco, L. J., Paruelo, J. M., Oesterheld, M., & Agüero, W. D. 2022. Radiation use efficiency of the herbaceous layer of dry Chaco shrublands and woodlands: Spatial and temporal patterns. Applied Vegetation Science 25(1), e12653. https://doi.org/10.1111/avsc.12653
Bresciano, D., Glison, N., & Lezama, F. 2022. Efectos alelopáticos de plantas de Cynodon dactylon L. en praderas naturales invadidas. Ecología Austral 32(2), 444-452.
Lezama, F., & Paruelo, J. M. 2022. Regional Assessment of Stocking Rate Effects on Uruguayan Rangelands: A Ranch-Level Study. Rangeland Ecology & Management 82, 58-65. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rama.2022.02.005
Lucas, C., Chalar, G., Ibarguren, E., Baeza, S., De Giacomi, S., Alvareda, E., … & Crossa, M. 2022. Nutrient levels, trophic status and land-use influences on streams, rivers and lakes in a protected floodplain of Uruguay. Limnologica, 94, 125966. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.limno.2022.125966
Overbeck, G. E., Vélez-Martin, E., da Silva Menezes, L., Anand, M., Baeza, S., Carlucci, M. B., … & Müller, S. C. 2022. Placing Brazil’s grasslands and savannas on the map of science and conservation. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 125687. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ppees.2022.125687
Pacheco-Romero, M., Vallejos, M., Paruelo, J. M., Alcaraz-Segura, D., Torres-García, M. T., Salinas-Bonillo, M. J., & Cabello, J. 2022. A data-driven methodological routine to identify key indicators for social-ecological system archetype mapping. Environmental Research Letters 17(4), 045019.
Devincenzi, T., Jaurena, M., Durante, M., Savian, J. V., Ciappesoni, G., Navajas, E. A., … & Paruelo, J. 2021. Building the GLENCOE Platform-Grasslands LENding eConomic and ecOsystems sErvices. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 5, 547301. https://doi.org/10.3389/fsufs.2021.547301
Staiano, L., Sans, G. H. C., Baldassini, P., Gallego, F., Texeira, M. A., & Paruelo, J. M. 2021. Putting the Ecosystem Services idea at work: Applications on impact assessment and territorial planning. Environmental Development 38, 100570. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envdev.2020.100570
Vallejos, M., Sans, G. C., Aguiar, S., Mastrángelo, M. E., & Paruelo, J. M. 2021. The law is spider’s web: An assessment of illegal deforestation in the Argentine Dry Chaco ten years after the enactment of the “Forest Law”. Environmental Development 38, 100611. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envdev.2021.100611
Guido, A, Blanco, CC, Pillar, VD. 2021. Disentangling by additive partitioning the effects of invasive species on the functional structure of communities.
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del Pino, A., Lezama, F., Pezzani, F. y Parodi, G. 2021. Persistencia de efectos a largo plazo de la fertilización fosfatada y la introducción de leguminosas en pastizales del Uruguay. Comunicación AGRISCIENTIA, 2021, VOL. 38: 99-109. DOI: 10.31047/1668.298x.v38.n1.26856
López‐Mársico, L., Lezama, F., & Altesor, A. 2021. Heterogeneity decreases as time since fire increases in a South American grassland. Applied Vegetation Science, 24:e12521. doi.org/10.1111/avsc.12521
Silva- Flores, P. Moyao Argüelles, A., Aguilar- Paredes, A., Simões Calaça, F. Junior, Duchicela, J., Fernández, N., Furtado, A., Guerra- Sierra, B. , Lovera, M., Marín, C., Neves, M.A., Pezzani, F., Rinaldi, A.C., Rojas, K., Vasco- Palacios, A.M. 2020. Review. Mycorrhizal science outreach: Scope of action and available resources in the face of global change. PPP. DOI: 10.1002/ppp3.10213.
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Gutiérrez, F., Gallego, F., Paruelo, J. M., & Rodríguez, C. 2020. Damping and lag effects of precipitation variability across trophic levels in Uruguayan rangelands. Agricultural Systems 185, 102956. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agsy.2020.102956
Villarino, S. H., Pinto, P., Della Chiesa, T., Jobbágy, E. G., Studdert, G. A., Bazzoni, B., … & Piñeiro, G. 2020. The role of South American grazing lands in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions: A reply to” Reassessing the role of grazing lands in carbon-balance estimations: Meta-analysis and review”, by Viglizzo et al., (2019). Science of the Total Environment 740. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140108
Auer, A., Von Below, J., Nahuelhual, L., Mastrangelo, M., Gonzalez, A., Gluch, M., Vallejos, M., Staiano, L., Laterra, P. & Paruelo, J. M. 2020. The role of social capital and collective actions in natural capital conservation and management. Environmental Science & Policy 107, 168-178. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2020.02.024.
Baeza, S. & Paruelo, J. M. 2020. Land use/land cover change (2000–2014) in the Rio de la Plata grasslands: an analysis based on MODIS NDVI time series. Remote Sensing 12(3), 381.https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12030381
Baldassini, P. & Paruelo, J.M. 2020. Sistemas agrícolas y silvopastoriles en el Chaco Semiárido. Impactos sobre la productividad primaria. Ecología Austral 30, 45-62. https://doi.org/10.25260/EA.
Baldassini, P. & Paruelo, J.M. 2020. Deforestation and current management practices reduce soil organic carbon in the semi-arid Chaco, Argentina. Agricultural Systems 178. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agsy.2019.102749
Bondaruk, V. F., Lezama, F., Del Pino, A., & Piñeiro, G. (2020). Overseeding legumes in natural grasslands: Impacts on root biomass and soil organic matter of commercial farms. Science of The Total Environment, 140771. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140771
Costa Gorriz, B., López –Mársico, L., Gallego, F., Leoni, E., Lezama,F., Mello, A.L. &Pezzani, F. 2020. Una experiencia de generación de conocimiento ecológico a través de un proceso compartido entre ganaderos e investigadores en Sierras del Este (Uruguay). Tekoporá 2:1, (58-73). Centro Universitario de la Región Este. Universidad de la República. DOI 10.36225/tekoporá.v2i1.30
Gallego, F.; Altesor, A.; Baeza, S. and Paruelo J.M. 2020. Distinct ecosystem types respond differentially to grazing exclosure. Austral Ecology, https://doi.org/10.1111/aec.12870
Guido, A.; Quiñones, A.; Pereira, A. & da Silva, E. 2020. Are the invasive grasses Cynodon dactylon and Eragrostis plana more phytotoxic than a co-occurring native? Ecología Austral.
López-Mársico, L., Pestoni, S., Conti, G., Pérez-Harguindeguy, N., Martínez-Pastur, G., Pinto, P., Sarquis, A., Reyes, M.F., Peri, P.L. & Piñeiro, G. 2020. Ojos que no ven…¿ Qué podemos hacer para incluir más a la fracción subterránea en estudios de vegetación?. Ecología Austral 30, 175-181.
Quiñones Dellepiane, A., Lattanzi, F. A., Saldain, N. E. & Lezama, F. 2020. Weed control in natural grasslands: A case study using a perennial native forb from the South American Campos. Austral Ecology. https://doi.org/10.1111/aec.12904
Vallejos, M.; Aguiar, S.; Baldi, G.; Mastrángelo, M.; Gallego, F.; Pacheco-Romero, M.; Alcaraz-Segura, D. and Paruelo, J.M. 2020. Social-Ecological Functional Types: Connecting people and ecosystems in the Argentine Chaco. Ecosystems 23, 471–484. doi.org/10.1007/s10021-019-00415-4
Cuello, N., López-Mársico, L. & Rodríguez, C. 2020. Field-burn vs. fire-related cues: germination from the soil seed bank of a South American temperate grassland. Seed Science Research. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0960258520000288
López-Mársico, L. Lezama, F. & Altesor, A. 2020. Heterogeneity decreases as time since fire increases in a South American grassland. Applied Vegetation Science. https://doi.org/10.1111/avsc.12521
López-Mársico Luis; Sofía Pestoni; Georgina Conti; Natalia Pérez-Harguindeguy; Guillermo Martínez Pastur; Priscila Pinto; Agustín Sarquis; M. Fernanda Reyes; Pablo Peri y Gervasio Piñeiro. 2020. Ojos que no ven… ¿Qué podemos hacer para incluir más a la fracción subterránea en estudios de vegetación? Ecología Austral.
Pañella, P. G., Cardozo, G., Cuadro, R., Reyno, R. & Lezama, F. 2020. La fertilización fosforada disminuye la riqueza y aumenta el número de especies exóticas de plantas en pastizales intersembrados con leguminosas. Ecología Austral, 30(3), 354–365. DOI: 10.25260/ea.
Pellegrini Pedro; C. Mariano Cossani, Víctor O. Sadras, Carlos M. Di Bella, Gervasio Piñeiro & Martín Oesterheld. 2020. Simple regression models to estimate light interception in wheat crops with Sentinel 2 and a hand-held sensor. Crop Science.
Peretti, M.; Piñeiro, G.; Fernández Long, M. E.; Carnelos, D.A. 2020 Influence of the precipitation interval on wet atmospheric deposition. Atmospheric Environment.
Ruiz Agudelo, Cesar A. ; Nestor Mazzeo, Ismael Díaz, Maria P. Barral, Gervasio Piñeiro, Isabel Gadino, Ingid Roche & Rocio Juliana Acuña-Posada. 2020. Land use planning in the Amazon basin: challenges from resilience thinking. Ecology and Society 25(1): 8 https://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol25/iss1/art8/
Roldán, V. A., Galván, D. E., Lopes, P. F., López, J., Bellamy, A. S., Gallego, F., … & Góngora, M. E. 2019. Are we seeing the whole picture in land-sea systems? Opportunities and challenges for operationalizing the ES concept. Ecosystem Services 38, 100966. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoser.2019.100966
Milkovic, M., Paruelo, J.M. & Nosetto, M.D. 2019. Hydrological impacts of afforestation in the semiarid Patagonia: A modelling approach. Ecohydrology, 12(6):e2113. doi.org/10.1002/eco.2113
Cipriotti, P., Aguiar, M.,Wiegand, T. & Paruelo, J. M. 2019. Combined effects of grazing management and climate on semi-arid steppes: hysteresis dynamics prevent recovery of degraded rangelands. Journal of Applied Ecology, 56(9), 2155-2165. doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.13471
Paruelo, J.M. 2019. The challenge of making the idea of Sustainable Intensification operational. Agrociencias 23:2, 1-3. http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8784-9431
Altesor, A., Gallego, F., Ferrón, M., Pezzani, F., López-Marsico, L., Lezama, F., Baeza, S., Pereira, M., Costa, B & Pareulo, J. 2019. Inductive Approach To Build State-and-Transition Models for Uruguayan Grasslands. Rangeland Ecology & Management, 72:1005-1016
Alonso Roldán, V., Galván, D. E., Lopes, P. F., López, J., Bellamy, A. S., Gallego, F., Ana Cintic A., Pía Riusb, P., Schröterk, B., Aguadol, M., Muñoz Barrigam, A., Pittmann, J., Ávila-Floreso, G., López-Gómez, C. P. & Barriga, A. M. 2019. Are we seeing the whole picture in land-sea systems? Opportunities and challenges for operationalizing the ES concept. Ecosystem Services, 38: 100966.
Carnelos, D.A., Portela, S.I., Jobbágy, E.G., Jackson, R.B., Di Bella, C.M., Panario, D. ,Fagúndez, C., Piñeiro-Guerra, J.M., Grion, L. & Piñeiro, G. 2019. A first record of bulk atmospheric deposition patterns of major ions in southern South America. Biogeochemistry. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10533-019-00584-3
Della Chiesa, T., Piñeiro, G., & Yahdjian, L. 2019. Gross, Background, and Net Anthropogenic Soil Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Soybean, Corn, and Wheat Croplands. Journal of Environmental Quality 48: 16-23.
Fernández,G., Lezama, F. & Rodríguez,C., 2019. Decoupling facilitative effects in a temperate subhumid grassland: photosynthetic metabolism matters. Plant Ecology & Diversity https://doi.org/10.1080/17550874.2019.1572246
Fernández, G. & Altesor, A. 2019. Differential responses of C3 and C4 grasses to shrub effects in a sub-humid grassland of South America. Journal of Vegetation Science 30: 203–211.
García, S., Pezzani, F., Lezama, F. & Paruelo, J. 2019. Los componentes del pastoreo afectan de forma diferencial las micorrizas en Paspalum dilatatum Poir. Ecología Austral 29:156-165
Guido, A., Hoss, D. & Pillar, V.D. 2019. Competitive effects and responses of the invasive grass Eragrostis plana in Río de la Plata grasslands. Austral Ecology 44(8): 1478-1486.
Lezama, F., Pereira, M., Altesor, A. & Paruelo, J. 2019. Grasslands of Uruguay: classification based on vegetation plots. Phytocoenologia 49, 211-229.
López Mársico, L., Farías, L., Lezama, F., Altesor, A. & Rodríguez, C. 2019. Light intensity triggers different germination responses to fire-related cues in temperate grassland species. Folia Geobotanica 54, 53-63.
Texeira M., Veron S., Irisarri G., Oyarzabal M., Staiano L., Baeza S. & Paruelo J., 2019. Functional syndromes as indicators of ecosystem change in temperate grasslands. Ecological Indicators https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2018.09.046
Piñeiro-Guerra, J.M., Yahdjian, L., Della Chiesa, T. & Piñeiro, G. 2019. Nitrous oxide emissions decrease with plant diversity but increase with grassland primary productivity. Oecologia 190,497-507 . https://doi.org/10.1007/s00442-019-04424-x.
Vallejos, M., Aguiar, S., Baldi, G., Mastrángelo, M. E., Gallego, F., Pacheco-Romero, M., Alcaraz-Segura, D. & Paruelo, J. M. 2019. Social-Ecological Functional Types: Connecting People and Ecosystems in the Argentine Chaco. Ecosystems, 1-14.
Vallejos, M., Aguiar, S., Baldi, G., Mastrángelo, M. E., Gallego, F., Pacheco-Romero, M., Alcaraz-Segura, D. & Paruelo, J. M. 2019. Social-Ecological Functional Types: Connecting People and Ecosystems in the Argentine Chaco. Ecosystems, 1-14.
Baldassini, P., Despósito, C., Piñeiro, G., & Paruelo, J. M. 2018. Silvopastoral systems of the Chaco forests: Effects of trees on grass growth. Journal of arid environments 156, 87-95. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaridenv.2018.05.008
Verón, S. R., Blanco, L. J., Texeira, M. A., Irisarri, J. G. N., & Paruelo, J. M. 2018. Desertification and ecosystem services supply: The case of the Arid Chaco of South America. Journal of Arid Environments 159, 66-74. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaridenv.2017.11.001
Duarte-Guardia, S., Peri, P.L., Amelung, W., Sheil, D., Laffan, S.W., Borchard, N., Bird, M.I., Dieleman, W., Pepper, D.A., Zutta, B., Jobbagy, E., Silva L. C. R., Bonser, S. P., Berhongaray, G., Piñeiro, G., Martinez, M. J., Cowie A. L., & Ladd, B. 2018. Better estimates of soil carbon from geographical data: a revised global approach. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 24(3), 355-372. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/ s11027-018-9815-y
Dresseno, A., Guido, A., Balogianni, V. & Overbeck, G. E. 2018. Negative effects of an invasive grass, but not of native grasses, on plant species richness along a cover gradient. Austral Ecology https://doi.org/10.1111/aec.12644
Cayssials,V. & Rodríguez, C. 2018. The adaptive value of grass traits in response to grazing. Journal of Plant Ecology 11: 248–255. https://doi.org/10.1093/jpe/rtw139
Andrade, B., Marchesi, E., Burkart, S., Bernal Setubal, R., Lezama, F., Perelman, S., Schneider, A., Trevisan, R., Overbeck, G. & Boldrini, I. 2018. Vascular plant species richness and distribution in the Río de la Plata grasslands Botanical Journal of Linnean Society 188: 250 – 256.
Koerner, S. et al. 2018. Change in dominance determines herbivore effects on plant biodiversity Nature Ecology and Evolution https://doi.org/10.1038/s41559-018-0696-y
Baeza, S. & Paruelo, J. 2018. Spatial and temporal variation of Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production in the Rio de la Plata Grasslands. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 145: 238 – 249.
Rama, G., Lezama, F. & Baeza, S. 2018. Recent land use changes in the Cuesta Basaltica of Uruguay. Oecologia australi 22: 210-223
García, S., Pezzani, F., Rodríguez-Blanco, A. 2017. Long-term phosphorus fertilization effects on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal diversity in Uruguayan grasses. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 17: 1013 – 1027.
Aguiar, S., Camba Sans, G. & Paruelo, J.M. 2017. Instrumentos económicos basados en mercados para la conservación de la biodiversidad y los servicios ecosistémicos en Latinoamérica: ¿panacea o rueda cuadrada? Ecología Austral 27: 146-161.
Lucas, C., Ceroni,M., Baeza, S., Muñoz, A.A. & Brazeiro, A. 2017. Sensitivity of subtropical forest and savanna productivity to climate variability in South America, Uruguay, Journal of Vegetation Science 28 : 192–205
Guido, A., Hoss, D. & Pillar, V.D. 2017. Exploring seed to seed effects for understanding invasive species success, Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation 15: 234–238.
Guido, A., Salengue, E. & Dresseno, A. 2017. Effect of shrub encroachment on vegetation communities in Brazilian forest-grassland mosaics, Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation 15:52-55.
Guido, A. & Pillar, V.D. 2017. Invasive plant removal: assessing community impact and recovery from invasion, Journal of Applied Ecology https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.12848
Gallego, F., Lezama, F., Pezzani, F., López-Mársico, L., Leoni, E., Mello, A.L. & Costa, B. 2017. Estimación de la productividad primaria neta aérea y capacidad de carga ganadera: un estudio de caso en Sierras del Este, Uruguay, Agrociencia 21:120-130.
Pezzani, F., Lezama, F., Gallego, F., López-Mársico, L., Leoni, E., Costa, B., Parodi, G. & Mello, A.L. 2017. El método de corte de biomasa genera mayores diferencias en la estimación de la productividad de pastizales que el tipo de pastizal. Revista Argentina de Producción Animal 37: 21-32.
Altesor, A., Leoni, E., Guido, A. & Paruelo, J. M. 2017. Differential responses of three grasses to defoliation, water and light availability, Plant Ecology 218: 95-104.
Cayssials, V. & Rodríguez, C. 2016. The adaptive value of grass traits in response to grazing, Journal of Plant Ecology 11: 248–255.
García, S., Pezzani, F., Rodríguez, A. & del Pino, A. 2016. Micorrizas en gramíneas nativas: efecto de la fertilización fosfatada a largo plazo, Agrociencia 20: 7-16 .
Guido, A., Velez-Martin, E., Overbeck, G.E. & Pillar, V.D. 2016. Landscape structure and climate affect plant invasion in subtropical grasslands, Applied Vegetation Science 19: 600–610.
Jaurena, M., Lezama, F., Salvo, L., Cardozo, G., Ayala, W., Terra, J. & Nabinger, C. 2016. The Dilemma of Improving Native Grasslands by Overseeding Legumes: Production Intensification or Diversity Conservation, Rangeland Ecology & Management 69: 35-42.
Lezama, F., & Paruelo, J. M. 2016. Disentangling grazing effects: trampling, defoliation and urine deposition, Applied Vegetation Science 19: 557-566.
López-Mársico,L., Oyarzabal, M., Altesor, A. & Paruelo, J.M. 2016. Efecto del pastoreo sobre la productividad primaria neta subterránea de un pastizal templado, Ecología Austral 26:256-263.
Paruelo, J. M. 2016. El papel de la Ciencia en el proceso de Ordenamiento Territorial (y en otras cuestiones vinculadas con problemas ambientales), Ecología Austral 26: 51-58.
Paruelo, J.M., Texeira, M., Staiano, L., Mastrangelo, M., Amdan, L. & Gallego, F. 2016. An integrative index of Ecosystem Services provision based on remotely sensed data, Ecological Indicators 71:145-154.
2015 a 2010
Guido, A. & Pillar, V.D. 2015. Are removal experiments effective tools for assessing plant community resistance and recovery from invasion? Journal of Vegetation Science, 26 : 608–613.
López-Mársico, L., Altesor, A., Oyarzabal, M., Baldassini, P. & Paruelo, J.M. 2015. Grazing increases below-ground biomass and net primary production in a temperate grassland. Plant Soil https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-015-2452-2
Texeira,M., Oyarzabal, M., Pineiro, G., Baeza, S., Paruelo,J., Land cover and precipitation controls over long-term trends in carbon gains in the grassland biome of South America. Ecosphere
Guido, A., Varela, R.D., Baldassini, P. & Paruelo, J.M. 2014. Spatial and Temporal Variability in Aboveground Net Primary Production of Uruguayan Grasslands. Rangeland Ecology & Management, 67:30–38.
Fernández, G., Texeira, M. & Altesor, A. 2014. The small scale spatial pattern of c3 and c4 grasses depends on shrub distribution. Austral Ecology 39:532-539.
Bresciano, D., Rodríguez, C., Lezama, F. & Altesor, A. 2014. Patrones de invasión de los pastizales de Uruguay a escala regional. Ecología Austral 24:83-93. Abril 2014 Asociación Argentina de Ecología
Bresciano, D., Altesor, A., Rodríguez,C. 2014. The growth form of dominant grasses regulates the invasibility of Uruguayan grasslands. Ecoshpere. 5 Article 111
Baeza, S., Baldassini, P., Bagnato, C., Pinto, P., Paruelo, J.2014.Caracterización del uso/cobertura del suelo en Uruguay a partir de series temporales de imágenes MODIS. Agrociencia 18: 95-105
Lezama, F., Baeza, S., Altesor, A., Cesa, A., Chaneton, E. & Paruelo J.M. 2014. Variation of grazing-induced vegetation changes across a large-scale productivity gradient. Journal of Vegetation Science 25:8-21
Cayssials, V. & Rodríguez, C. 2013. Functional traits of grasses growing in open an shared habitats. Evolutionary Ecology 27:393-407
Munka, C., Pezzani, F., Caffera, M.2013. Efecto del manejo silvicultural sobre el área foliar y la evapotranspiración en Pinus taeda en el noreste de Uruguay. Agrociencia 17: 55-63
Lezama, F., Bonifacino, J.M. 2012. Sinopsis de Aristida(poaceae) para Uruguay. ISSN 0373-580 X Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 47 (1-2):135-143.
Jaurena, M., Lezama, F., Cruz, P. 2012.Perennial grasses traits as functional markers of grazing intensity in basaltic grasslands of Uruguay. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 72(4)
Cabello, J., Fernández, N., Alcaraz-Segura, D., Oyonarte, C., Piñeiro, G., Altesor, A., Delibes, M., et al.2012. The ecosystem functioning dimension in conservation: insights from remote sensing. Biodiversity and Conservation, ISSN 0960-3115, Biodivers Conserv https://doi.org/10.1007/s10531-012-0370-7
Alcaraz-Segura, D., Cabello, J., Bagnato, C., Altesor, A., Oyonarte, C., Oyarzabal, M., Paruelo, J.M. 2011.La medida de la respuesta ecosistémica. Seguridad y Medio Ambiente N. 121
Baeza, S., Paruelo, J., Ayala, W. 2011.Eficiencia en el uso de la radiación y productividad primaria en recursos forrajeros del este de Uruguay. Agrociencia 15:48-59
Parodi, G., Pezzani, F.2011.Micorrizas arbusculares en dos gramíneas nativas de Uruguay en áreas con y sin pastoreo.
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López Mársico, L., Altesor, A. 2011.Relación entre la riqueza de especies vegetales y la productividad en pastizales naturales. Ecología Austral 21:101-109.
Baeza, S., Lezama, F., Piñeiro, G., Altesor, A. & Paruelo, J.M. 2010.Spatial variability of above-ground net primary production in Uruguayan grasslands: a remote sensing approach. Applied Vegetation Science 13: 72–85
Paruelo, J.M., Piñeiro, G., Baldi, G., Baeza, S., Lezama, F., Altesor, A. & Oesterheld, M., 2010. Carbon Stocks and Fluxes in Rangelands of the Rio de la Plata Basin. Rangeland Ecosystem Management 63:89-108.
2009 a 2003
Leoni, E., Altesor, A. & Paruelo, J.M. 2009. Explaining patterns of primary production from individual level traits.Journal of Vegetation Science 20: 612–619
Gautreau, P., Lezama, F. 2009. Clasificación florística de los bosques y arbustales de las sierras del Uruguay. Ecología Austral 19:81-92
Texeira, M. & Altesor, A. 2009. Small-scale spatial dynamics of vegetation in a grazed Uruguayan grassland. Austral Ecology 34: 386-394.
Cabello, J., Alcaraz-Segura, D., Altesor, A., Baeza, S., Delibes, M. & Liras, E. 2008. Funcionamiento ecosistémico y evaluación de prioridades geográficas en conservación Ecosistemas 17 (3): 53-63.
Altesor, A., Eguren, Mazzeo, Panario, Rodríguez. 2008. La industria de la celulosa y sus efectos: certezas e incertidumbres. Ecologia Austral 18:291-303.
Altesor, A., Piñeiro, G., Lezama, F., Jackson, R.B., Sarasola, M. & Paruelo, J. M. 2006. Ecosystem changes associated with grazing removal in sub-humid grasslands of South America. Journal of Vegetation Science 17: 323-332.
Pezzani, F., Montaña, C., Guevara, R. 2006. Associations between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and grasses in the successional context of a two-phase mosaic in the Chihuahuan Desert. Mycorrhiza 16: 285–295 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00572-006-0044-y
Baeza, S., Paruelo, J.M. & Altesor A. 2006. Caracterización funcional de la vegetación del Uruguay mediante el uso de sensores remotos. Interciencia 31: 382-388
Haretche, F., Rodríguez, C. 2006. Banco de semillas de un pastizal uruguayo bajo diferentes condiciones de pastoreo. Ecología Austral, 16 2:105 – 113.
Paruelo, J.M., Guerschman, J.P., Piñeiro, G., Jobbágy, E.G., Verón, S.R., Baldi, G. y Baeza. 2006. Cambios en el Uso de la Tierra en Argentina y Uruguay: Marcos Concepturales para su Análisis. Agrociencia 10:47 – 61
Pezzani, F., Montaña, C. 2006. Inter- and Intraspecific Variation in the Germination Response to Light Quality and Scarification in Grasses Growing in Two-phase Mosaics of the Chihuahuan Desert. Annals of Botany https://doi.org/10.1093/aob/mcl053
Lezama, F., Altesor, A., León, R.J.C & Paruelo, J.M. 2006. Heterogeneidad de la vegetación en pastizales naturales de la región basáltica de Uruguay. Ecología Austral 16:167-182.
Altesor, A., Oesterheld, M., Leoni, E., Lezama, F. & Rodríguez, C. 2005. Effect of grazing on community structure and productivity of a Uruguayan grassland. Plant Ecology 179: 83-91
Rodríguez, C., Leoni, E., Lezama, F. & Altesor, A. 2003. Temporal trends in species composition and plant traits in natural grasslands of Uruguay. Journal of Vegetation Science 14: 433-440.
Anteriores a 2002
Altesor, A. 2002. Cuánto y cómo modificamos nuestras praderas naturales? Una perspectiva ecológica. Perfil Ambiental de Uruguay.
Altesor, A., Pezzani, F., Grun, S. & Rodríguez, C. 1999. Relationship between spatial strategies and life history attributes in a Uruguayan grassland: a functional approach. Journal of Vegetation Science 10: 457-462.
Altesor, A. & Ezcurra, E. 2002. Functional morphology and evolution of stem succulence in cacti. Journal of Arid Environmments
Altesor, A., Di Landro E., May H.& Ezcurra E. 1998. Long-term species change in a Uruguayan grassland. Journal of Vegetation Science 9: 173-180.